Today I am sharing Greg's Brussels sprout recipe upon the request of a friend and in the hopes that my sister will finally jump on board and actually enjoy eating this lovely vegetable. While I'm sure we all thought Brussels sprouts were gross as kids, our parents were right when they said they were good for us. Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, which aids in digestion, may lower cholesterol and can help with inflammation, especially cardiovascular inflammation. The even better news is we no longer have to eat them steamed to a mush lacking much needed flavor. Greg's warm Brussels sprout salad is perfectly sweetened with a warm drizzle of maple syrup. The dried cranberries and pepitas are a perfect fall pairing to this powerful and tasty vegetable. So this fall and into the upcoming holiday season try to add Brussels sprouts into your diet. You know, to balance out all those sweets, and to keep your heart healthy!
Warm Autumn Brussels Sprout Salad
Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 stalk Brussels sprouts, removed from stalk, trimmed and finely sliced 3/4 cup cranberries 1/2 cup pepita seeds 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese Warmed maple syrup to drizzle In a large pan heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the Brussels sprouts and saute until slightly softened, about 5-7 minutes. Stir constantly. Add the cranberries and pepita seeds. Stir to combine. Add the apple cider vinegar and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Serve warm and drizzle with warmed maple syrup. Makes 2-4 serving.
As we are nearing Halloween this week, Greg and I thought it would only be appropriate to share some of our "spooky" cocktails. In the past we have gone all out hosting a big Halloween party with clever themed appetizers, drinks and prizes for the best costume. This year we are keeping it low key with a simple pumpkin carving and the following cocktails to celebrate Greg's favorite holiday. Happy Halloween!
Ingredients 2 ounces Stoli's Vanilla Vodka 1-1/2 ounces Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur 1 ounce half and half 2-4 ounce plus a drizzle Hershey's chocolate syrup Ice First to create the web in the martini glass, pour about 2-4 ounces of chocolate syrup in a squeeze bottle with a small spout. A baker's pipping bag with a size 2 round tip will work as well. Next, starting at the bottom of the glass draw about 4-5 circles with the chocolate syrup. Then using 2 toothpicks make the vertical lines by starting at the bottom of the glass and pulling up through the circles of chocolate. Do this the entire way around the glass creating the web. In a cocktail shaker place the ice, Stoli's Vanilla Vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream, half and half and a drizzle of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. Shake well and strain into the prepared martini glass.
The Bleeding Mary
Ingredients 2 1/2 ounces jalapeno infused vodka (see below) 2-3 Spicy Bloody Mary ice cubes 2 green olives with pimentos Jalapeno Infused Vodka Ingredients 1-2 medium jalapenos, sliced in quarters 2 cups vodka (I use Kettle One) In a large airtight jar or bottle place the sliced jalapenos and vodka. Seal the jar or bottle and allow to infuse for 4-6 days depending on the level of heat you prefer. Strain the vodka and discard the jalapenos. Store in an airtight jar or bottle for up to 1 month. The Bleeding Mary In a glass pour in the jalapeno infused vodka and drop in the Spicy Bloody Mary ice cubes. Garnish with the green olives. Note: You can adjust the Spicy Bloody Mary mix to your preferred level of heat.